Ten men's health products at an affordable price

Products that perfectly increase the potency of men

Prevention and treatment of impotence cannot be completed without these simple means. Their effectiveness has been tested for centuries and is proven by modern doctors.

1. Boiledmackerel

It contains enough zinc and selenium. These minerals are involved in testosterone synthesis. Essential fatty acids are also beneficial for male potency and reproductive function.

2. Quail eggs

It is best to eat raw, but you can also cook an omelette with spices. Quail eggs have a positive effect on men's health because they contain phosphorus and amino acids. They increase attractiveness, improve erectile function.

3. Bitter chocolate

Cocoa is an aphrodisiac product, that is, it stimulates the production of sex hormones and sexual activity. It contains phenylethylamine. It is also synthesized in the brain, reaching peak blood levels during orgasm. And the amino acid tryptophan stimulates serotonin production. In addition, the product stimulates sexual activity by increasing blood circulation in the body and blood flow to the genitals.

4. Pomegranate

Its advantage is that it dilates blood vessels. It is used to prevent prostate cancer. The effect will be felt if you drink 200 ml of pomegranate juice a day during the season.

5. Pumpkin seeds

They are rich in zinc, which improves male reproductive function and strength. The daily dose of this mineral, which is responsible for testosterone synthesis, is a glass of dry peeled kernel.

6. Dried dates

These dried fruits are also a great aphrodisiac. Increases potency. Improves sperm quality due to the presence of zinc. Increases the overall strength of the male body. To improve the effect of these dried fruits on male potency, it is useful to combine their intake with milk, honey and cardamom.

7. Perga and honey

Adequate protein content, fructose and glucose also work for men's health: they normalize blood circulation, help testosterone production.

8. Regular vegetables

The list of healthy and affordable all-season vegetables includes cabbage, beets and carrots, onions and garlic.

9. Walnuts

It is a recognized leader in the fight against sexual dysfunction. Its constant use is an excellent prevention of impotence. Some nuts a day will enrich the body with potassium, phosphorus, zinc and other minerals and vitamins necessary for a man's health.

10. Fig

Another popular oriental aphrodisiac. It has a general stimulating effect, stimulates the production of happiness hormones, normalizes blood circulation and improves blood supply, promotes rapid recovery after intimacy.